
The Celebrity Branding® Process Stage 5

To become a celebrity brand, you must discover and present yourself in a unique and compelling way.

Develop an Exit Plan

Stage 5

At this stage, you shift from a personality driven brand to one that can stand on its own.

Take a look at Disney.

When Walt Disney had the idea for Disney World, he created Mickey Mouse. Mickey was the personality of the brand and the primary focus of Disney content for a long time!

These days, Mickey is a part of the brand, but the Disney story and brand has evolved to a point that its success is no longer dependent on Mickey!

Today we don’t buy Mickey, we buy the brand proposition that Disney promises. We buy the experience of magic!

Mickey was necessary in the early stages just like your personality is necessary in the early stages of your Celebrity Branding process.

Our founder Nick Nanton built this Agency into the powerhouse brand it is today.

A photograph of Nick Nanton speaking at SuccessSummit 2022.

Who are you?

Now, he’s focusing his time on his film company, DNA films and making movies that matter. He’s telling stories on the big screen, meeting amazing celebrities and producing shows that excite and inspire him knowing that CBA is continuing to be the #1 personal branding agency and serving clients at the highest level.

Stage 5 allows you to develop your brand legacy and implement strategies that allow the brand to continue to operate and make money while you move onto other things!

Your Brand Is Your Story®

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